#Play as Jinpachi
;made by Dabest808
;you can edit the 54
;in the value to get differnet characters
;but 54 is the farthest without freezing
0x00375970 0x00540000
#Max Money
0x0135BC88 0x3B9AC9FF
#9999 Points Bowling Striker
0x00382538 0x0000270F
#Inf. Time in Battle
0x00375720 0x00001770
#!!Inf Health (Working)
;fixed by Dabest808
0x00375FDC 0x00910000
#Instant Kill (Working)
;fixed by dabest808
0x003768AC 0x00000000
#Jinpachi Move (mokujin only working)
fixed by dabest808
0x0037596C 0x00220000